Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Shopping Cart With Calculator Built in on Handle

Adding calculators to shopping carts will be beneficial to the shopper, possibly encouraging them to shop where the calculators are. The calculator can be built in along the length of a wider handle. The calculator can have a flip top over it that can be pulled toward the shopper and left to hang down in front while the calculator is being used. Then the top can be flipped back up after use to keep foreign matter out of the calculator area. There would be only a need for the basic calculations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Steering for Stealth Wing

An improvement of the Northrop wing would be to install the engines on a rotating attachment system. This rotation ability would allow the aircraft to maueuver more easily. When position changes, the direction will change instantly. The engine thrust causes the forward movement. If the thrust direction is changed, the aircraft will move in the opposite direction. This should enable very tight maneuvers in lightening speed.